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Minggu, 21 November 2010

Natural Disasters in Indonesia is happening right now

Natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia during 2009 to 2010 was dominated by the flooding that followed by longsordi Wasior papua, earthquakes and tsunamis in the Mentawai, but now in the year 2010 Mount Merapi erupts out cold lava and hot clouds bursts that could endanger local residents.

Natural disasters that occur mostly caused by materials such as water flooding and landslides to its cause, though not pure water but very closely related, especially when rainfall is very high. and the shift of land also tend to be caused by water even in very high rainfall.

Fractures that occur due to earthquake can erode a hillside after very high rainfall, as seen in the Mentawai.

In addition to water, environmental degradation such as deforestation also trigger natural disasters in Indonesia. This could occur because of loose soil occurs under shelters of water at a certain time limit soil can not withstand the load resulting in landslides.

Upon the occurrence of disasters, such as flash floods in Wasior, the tsunami in Mentawai and the eruption of Mount Merapi in jogjakarta many that fell victim not only human property and infrastructure of public services.

And events are recorded eruption of Mount Merapi there are a dozen witnesses who have berasil in evakusai to the hospital, and according to news mbah Marijan died trim events erupted, the volcano Mount Merapi is included in one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

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